On June 19, Intelsat said it will no
longer provide services to Iranian channels, including English-language
news channel Press TV. The decision has been made under the pretext
that the company should be abiding by the sanctions against the head of
the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ezzatollah Zarghami.
In this article, Timmerman weaves an intricate conspiracy and
through an argumentation which reeks of but an ill-trained mind, he
jumps to the conclusion that Press TV is working freely in the United
States and that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) should take due measures to shut down all the offices of
Press TV in the United States. In his naïvely moronic tone, he
admonishes that “the Obama Administration permits the channel to operate
on American soil without a license and in violation of U.S. sanctions
regulations, which ban commercial transactions with Iran. It appears to
be another example of Obama coddling the terrorist regime.”
A point which needs to be clarified here is that Mr. Timmerman is
officially ignorant of the fact that the illegal US sanctions against
the Islamic Republic barely at all include a ban on media unless we
assume that freedom of speech is a weapon in the hands of the westerners
who keep pontificating about freedom of speech.
Timmerman’s argumentation heavily focuses on the decision of Ofcom,
British Office of Communication which removed Press TV from the BSkyB
platform under the pretext that the channel had conducted an interview
in 2009 with a Newsweek correspondent held in an Iranian jail. According
to British telecom regulator, the interview by Press TV with Maziar
Bahari who was jailed by the Iran over his reporting of the presidential
elections in June 2009, was carried out under duress.
What seems to be a fair judgment in this regard is that Press TV has
proved very bold and resolute in broadcasting the truth and delivering
the undelivered reports. Media experts maintain that Washington has long
sought to block the access of information particularly when and if it
comes from Iran.
In a Friday interview with Press TV, Ralph Schoenman aptly said,
“The removal of Iranian channels from the air in July 1 is directly
linked to the NSA (US National Security Agency) spying, and not merely
spying, but the NSA destruction of the access to communications across
the world.”
Apart from the fact that this act of aggression against Iranian
media runs counter to the very principles the US government claims to
champion, a considerable degree of practical speculation strongly
suggests that there is a large-scale plot meticulously authored and
heavily funded by rogue elements within the US government.
Kenneth R. Timmerman who initiated the entire idea in his article is
executive director of an anti-Iran institute sonorously dubbed as “the
Foundation for Democracy in Iran”. The organization was founded in 1995
in collaboration with Peter Rodman, Joshua Muravchick (an Iran-hater who
called for the bombing of the Islamic Republic in 2006 in a Los Angeles
Times op-ed entitled "Bomb Iran") and the terrorist MKO members with
the express intention of toppling the Iranian government.
Apparently, Timmerman constantly contacted OFAC and talked to a
number of OFAC officials. He claims that an official with OFAC has told
him, ““We are unable to comment publicly on organizations that may or
may not have received licenses from OFAC. However, we note that as an
official propaganda arm of the Iranian government, Press TV has a
history of fabricating news and has faced lawsuits in the UK for airing
forced confessions.”
The so-called “Foundation for Democracy in Iran” is chiefly
comprised of current or former CIA assets including former CIA Director
Wollsey and former Defense intelligence operative Frank Gaffney and
others are openly affiliated with the Mossad intelligence agency
including Menashe Amir.
Spreading lies about Iran, the undercover organization gained some
attention when it filed a lawsuit against Iran with the Southern
District of New York for Manhattan alleging that Iran was behind the
9-11 terrorist attacks.
Under the auspices of CIA and Mossad, the organization has managed
to dupe OFAC into embarking on a most self-mortifying venture i.e. the
blocking of the Iranian channels, thereby barricading access to free and
public flow of information.
The whole scenario, which has taken a lot of energy and finance,
evinces a media phobia, a fear of truth and a preposterous claim to
democracy in the West.
Besides, this nefarious marriage of intelligence agencies such as
CIA and Mossad and the role they play in garroting a dissident truthful
voice testify to the sway of Iranian media and a powerful public
penchant for hearing the other story, which often remains untold, unseen
or undervalued in Western media.
Once George Bernard Shaw said, “Assassination is the extreme form of
censorship." However, in the age of information, censorship seems to be
an extreme form of assassination.